弁護士法人はるか 交通事故サイト


Procedures for Grading and Accreditation of Disability Compensation

1. How is your Post Traffic Accident Symptoms graded?

How should the grade of disability in the case of automobile liability be determined? There are three main points.

The first is when the victim requests the liability insurance company to pay compensation for the liability insurance. This is called victim claim. In this case, the surviving disability class will be certified by the insured liability insurance company. The second is when the perpetrator requests the liability insurance company to pay the liability insurance. This is called the perpetrator request. In this case as well, the disability class will be certified by the insured liability insurance company. The third is when the perpetrator's voluntary insurance company asks the damage rate calculation mechanism for the certification of the aftermath disability class. This is called pre-certification.

2.Procedures for Grade Accreditation

In order for the victim to be certified as a grade of afterward disability, it is necessary to request the perpetrator or have the voluntary insurance company certify in advance.

In this case, a doctor will be asked to prepare a medical certificate for the residual disorder. Some doctors are not familiar with the preparation of a certificate of disability, and therefore a doctor's statement of disability may be inadequate or difficult to understand.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to ask doctors to understand what points need to be described in detail in relation to the recognition of residual disability before having the doctor prepare a residual disability certificate.

In addition, even after having the doctor prepare a residual disability certificate, it is necessary to check that there is no omission in the description before submitting it.